Monday, April 8, 2024

The man that makes guitars scream


     As a music lover and a Christian, I have always been drawn to artists who are able to skillfully combine their faith with their musical talents. And when it comes to Christian music, there is one artist who stands out to me as a true master of his craft – Phil Keaggy.

     Phil Keaggy is a name that may not be as well-known as some of the other guitar legends out there, but to those who are familiar with his work, he is nothing short of a musical
genius. With over 50 years in the music industry, Keaggy has become a household name among Christian music fans, and for good reason.

     What sets Phil Keaggy apart from other Christian musicians is his incredible talent on the guitar. He can truly make a guitar sing. His skill and technique are unmatched, and he has the ability to evoke a wide range of emotions through his playing. From fast-paced, energetic solos to soft, melodic melodies, Keaggy’s guitar playing is nothing short of mesmerizing.

     What is even more impressive is the fact that Keaggy is mostly self-taught. He started playing guitar at the age of 10 and by the time he was in his late teens, he was already a seasoned musician. He has said in interviews that he learned by listening to records and picking out the notes by ear. This natural talent and dedication to his craft have allowed him to become one of the most outstanding and unbelievable Christian guitarists of all time.

     But it’s not just his technical skills that make Keaggy stand out. It’s the heart and soul he puts into his music. As a devout Christian, Keaggy’s faith is at the core of his music. He often incorporates biblical themes and references into his songs, and his lyrics are filled with messages of hope, love, and redemption. Listening to his music is not just an auditory experience, but a spiritual one as well.

     I have been a fan of Phil Keaggy for many years, and I can honestly say that I never grow tired of hearing his music. His songs have been a source of comfort, inspiration, and joy for me, and I know I am not alone in this sentiment. His music has touched the lives of countless people around the world and continues to do so to this day.

     In my opinion, Phil Keaggy is to Christian music with his guitar, as Joe Bonamassa and his guitar is to jazz and
blues. Both are masters of their respective genres, and both have the ability to captivate audiences with their incredible talent and passion for music.

     In conclusion, Phil Keaggy is a true legend in the world of Christian music. His skills on the guitar and his unwavering faith have made him an inspiration to many, and his music will continue to touch the hearts of people for generations to come. If you haven’t had the pleasure of listening to his music yet, I highly recommend you do so. Trust me, you won’t regret it.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

A close look at Facebook

       As someone who has used Facebook for a long time, I have seen the platform evolve and change in many ways. It started out as a simple way to connect with friends and family, but has now become a powerful tool for businesses, news outlets, and even political campaigns. While it's undeniable that Facebook has many positive aspects, it's also important to take a closer look at the platform and question its safety and impact on society.

      We all know the good things about Facebook. It allows us to stay connected with loved ones who may be far away, share important milestones and memories, and even discover new interests and communities. But as time goes on, we have also seen the darker side of social media and the impact it can have on our lives.

      One major concern with Facebook is the issue of privacy. With the recent Cambridge Analytica scandal, it became clear that the platform was not as secure as we once thought. Millions of users had their personal information harvested without their consent, and it raised questions about the amount of control we have over our own data on the platform. This has led to increased scrutiny and regulation of Facebook's handling of user data.

      Another issue with Facebook is the spread of misinformation. The platform has become a breeding ground for fake news and conspiracy theories, often leading to real-world consequences. The 2016 US presidential election was heavily influenced by fake news on Facebook, and it has also been linked to violence and genocide in other parts of the world. The company has taken steps to combat this issue, but it remains a major problem.

      In addition to these concerns, there is also the addictive nature of social media. Many studies have shown that excessive use of social media, including Facebook, can have negative effects on mental

health and well-being. The constant need for validation through likes and comments can also create a toxic environment and contribute to feelings of inadequacy and comparison.

      So, based on all of these reports and concerns, would I give Facebook an 'A' or an 'F'? I would have to say neither, as it is not black and white. Facebook, like any other social media platform, has its positives and negatives. It has connected people in ways that were not possible before, but it has also caused harm in various ways.

      What is important is for us, as users, to be aware of these issues and use the platform responsibly. We should take steps to protect our privacy, fact-check information before sharing, and limit our time on social media. It's also important for Facebook to take responsibility and continue to make changes to ensure the safety and well-being of its users.

      In conclusion, while Facebook may have its flaws, it is ultimately up to us to determine how we use it and the impact it has on our lives. Let's strive to make it a positive and safe space for ourselves and others and hold the platform accountable for its actions. Only then can we truly give it a fair grade.

NOTE: Let us know how you feel, please leave a comment. Also check out the upcoming events, so you know what new articles are coming to "Living Life's Greatest Adventures"

Monday, March 18, 2024

Going going gone


      Hey everyone, "Living Life's Greatest Adventures" has moved. we are now at "Living Life's Greatest adventures | Eric | Substack".  We have moved all our articles to Substack and will continue writing from there. It is my hope that you all will follow me over to Substack and continue to enjoy the great articles and videos and art there.

      So having announced this message, I need to tell you that on April 27th this blog will be removed and now longer available here. So join us at the new site:

10 of the stupidest people in the world.

Well here they are, the ten most stupid people in the world

      There is no shortage of stupidity in the world. From silly mistakes to outright ridiculous actions, there are some people who seem to defy all logic and reasoning. In this blog post, we will take a look at 10 of the stupidest people in the world, who have managed to make us all scratch our heads in disbelief.

1. The man who tried to rob a bank with a banana

   In 2008, a man in Israel attempted to rob a bank using a banana as a weapon. He walked into the bank, pointed the banana at the teller and demanded money. Needless to say, he was quickly apprehended by the police and charged with attempted robbery.

2. The woman who sued a zoo because the monkeys looked too human

    In 2005, a woman in California sued a zoo because she claimed the monkeys there looked too human and it was causing her emotional distress. She even went as far as saying that the monkeys were trying to communicate with her. The case was dismissed by the judge.

3. The man who tried to microwave a microwave

     In 2011, a man in England attempted to microwave a microwave in order to dry it off after it got wet in the rain. Unsurprisingly, the microwave caught fire and caused extensive damage to his kitchen.

4. The woman who drove into a lake because her GPS told her to

     In 2009, a woman in Belgium drove her car into a lake because her GPS told her to. She followed the instructions blindly and ended up in the water. Thankfully, she managed to escape unharmed.

5. The man who tried to rob a gun store with a baseball bat

     In 2016, a man in Florida attempted to rob a gun store with a baseball bat. The store owner managed to subdue him with a gun and held him until the police arrived. The irony of trying to rob a gun store with a baseball bat is not lost on us.

6. The man who tried to smuggle 51 turtles in his pants

     In 2013, a man in Canada was caught trying to smuggle 51 live turtles in his pants across the US-Canada border. Needless to say, he was arrested and the turtles were safely returned to their natural habitat.

7. The woman who called the police because her pizza had the wrong toppings

     In 2015, a woman in England called the police to report that her pizza had the wrong toppings. The police responded to the call, but not surprisingly, they did not take any action.

8. The man who tried to rob a store with a potato

     In 2016, a man in Australia attempted to rob a store using a potato as a weapon. He even went as far as to carve a face on the potato to make it look more intimidating. Needless to say, his attempt was unsuccessful.

9. The woman who tried to sell her baby on eBay

     In 2008, a woman in Germany tried to sell her baby on eBay for 5,000 euros. The auction was taken down by eBay and the woman was arrested for child trafficking.

10. The man who jumped into a lion enclosure at the zoo

     In 2019, a man in India jumped into a lion enclosure at the zoo in an attempt to “communicate” with the lions. Thankfully, he was quickly rescued by the zoo staff and no harm was caused to him or the lions.

     These are just a few examples of the many stupid actions that people have taken. While some may find these incidents amusing, it is important to remember that stupidity can have serious consequences. Let us all strive to use our common sense and think before we act, in order to avoid ending up on a list of the stupidest people in the world.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Living Life's Greatest Adventures Has Moved

 Hey everyone, after being with blogger for a very long time, the time has come to say goodbye. I have enjoyed writing my blogs on blogger and reading all your comments about the things I wrote. I will no longer be posting all my articles here anymore. However, "Living Lifes Greatest Adventures" is not going away forever. I am simply moving to something new. I am moving to "". I will continue writing and posting articles there. I want to encourage each and everyone of you to join me there. Below will be a link for you to click on so you can continue to read and comment on the things I write about. I look forward to seeing you join there. Just click on the link (New site address)

Monday, March 11, 2024

Award shows or just another stage for political crap?

Award shows, what a waste of time

      Award shows are a staple in the entertainment industry, a night where the biggest names in music, television, and film come together to celebrate their achievements. However, over the years, award shows like the GMA, AMA, and Emmys have undergone a transformation that has left many viewers, including myself, feeling disappointed and disenchanted. Gone are the days of pure entertainment and celebration, as these award shows have now become nothing more than a celebrity political platform. Which is why I don't watch them anymore.

     I remember eagerly anticipating award shows, counting down the days until I could see my favorite artists and actors take the stage and accept their well-deserved recognition. But now, it seems like every award show is just another opportunity for celebrities to voice their political opinions and agendas. Instead of focusing on their achievements and thanking their fans, they use their time on stage to push their beliefs onto the audience.

     The GMA, AMA, and Emmys, which were once known for their glitz and glamour, have now become a platform for celebrities to express their political views. While everyone is entitled to their own opinions, award shows should not be the place for it. These shows are meant to celebrate the best in entertainment, not to showcase political debates. It takes away from the true purpose of the event, which is to honor and recognize the hard work and talent of those in the industry.

     Furthermore, award shows have become predictable and lackluster. Instead of focusing on the actual awards and performances, they are filled with political speeches and jokes that often fall flat. It seems like every year; the same topics are brought up and the same people win. It takes away the excitement and anticipation of the event.

     Moreover, award shows have become overly commercialized. It's no secret that these shows are heavily sponsored, and it's evident in the way they are presented. There are more commercials than actual content, and it seems like every other minute there is a product placement or a promotional segment. It's no longer about celebrating the achievements of the entertainment industry, but rather about making a profit.

     In conclusion, award shows like the GMA, AMA, and Emmys have lost their charm and purpose. They have become a platform for celebrities to push their political views and agendas, rather than celebrating the achievements and talents of those in the entertainment industry. As a result, I no longer find joy in watching these award shows and would prefer to spend my time on other forms of entertainment.

Friday, March 8, 2024

US History quiz

How much do you know about your US history? Click here to find out.