Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Trick or Treat

The Sweetest and Most Sour of Halloween Candies

      As the spooky season approaches, it's time to dive into the sugary delights that make Halloween a memory to savor. From the nostalgic treats of our childhood to the latest sweet temptations, here's a comprehensive look at the best and worst of Halloween candies:

Favorite Candies

Every Halloween, we had that one candy that made our night. For many, it was the classic Smarties: a colorful array of sweet discs that melted in the mouth. Other beloved favorites include:

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

Milky Way

Kit Kats


Hershey's Chocolate Bars

Most Popular Candies

According to surveys, the top Halloween candies year after year include:

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups





These candies have become synonymous with Halloween, and their popularity stems from their irresistible flavors, variety, and universal appeal.

Worst Candies

While there are some candies we love, there are others that make us cringe. Here are the candies that consistently rank as the least desirable treats:

Candy Corn: Its sweet and waxy texture is off-putting to many, making it a Halloween staple we'd rather avoid.

Black Licorice: Its strong, anise-like flavor is an acquired taste that not everyone enjoys.

Circus Peanuts: These neon marshmallows are too sweet and artificial for most palates.

Wax Lips: More of a novelty than a candy, these wax lips were never really meant to be eaten.

Dots: These gummy candies have a strange texture and an overpowering sweetness.

Balancing the Treats

      To avoid a sugar overload while still enjoying the Halloween festivities, it's a good idea to have a balance of healthier options on hand. Consider offering fruit cups, popcorn balls, or trail mix alongside the candy bowls. This way, kids (and adults!) can indulge without feeling too guilty. OK, like the kids are really going for that, Nope I wouldn't, and I don't think most kids would either.

      Halloween is all about treats and terror. So, grab your favorite candies, dress up in your scariest costume, and enjoy this spooky season filled with sugary delights and haunting memories!

Monday, October 14, 2024

The Struggle of Patience


 A Personal Journey

      Let’s be honest: being patient can be one of the most challenging tasks we face in our daily lives. I will be the first to admit that patience is a continual struggle for me. Whether it's waiting for a friend to show up, hoping for a promotion at work, or simply trying to maintain my composure during long lines at the grocery store, I often find myself battling impatience. I have observed that many guys seem to wrestle with this more than women do, and I can’t help but wonder why that is.

Why Is Patience So Hard?

      The truth is, we live in an age of instant gratification. Technology gives us a world of information at
our fingertips: we can order food, shop, and communicate in the blink of an eye. With all of this immediacy, it’s easy to forget that some things need time. The pressure to keep up with a fast-paced society can make the act of being patient feel like an uphill battle.

      One significant reason for this struggle among men could be societal expectations. We’re often conditioned to be problem solvers, decision-makers, and action-takers. Society doesn’t encourage long-suffering or waiting quietly. Instead, there’s an implicit expectation to be proactive, to exert control, and to seek immediate results. The result? An internal struggle every time we are faced with the need to be patient.

Finding Patience: Personal Strategies

      So, how do I cope with the frustration of impatience? Here are a few strategies that have helped me, and might help you as well:

Mindfulness and Self-Reflection: 
      Taking a step back to acknowledge my feelings of impatience can often defuse the situation. Practicing mindfulness, whether through meditation or deep breathing exercises, helps me to center my

thoughts and calm the urge to rush.

Setting Realistic Expectations: 
      Understanding that not everything can or should happen instantly helps. In my career, I’ve learned that growth and success take time, and adjusting my mindset to accept that can make all the difference.

Focus on the Bigger Picture: 
      I often remind myself of the bigger picture, the long-term benefits of waiting, whether it’s in my personal relationships or professional endeavors. This helps me assign value to patience.

Engaging in Positive Distraction: 
      Sometimes, the best way to handle impatience is to shift focus. Finding hobbies, indulging in interests, or even picking up a good book can shift my energy away from what I’m waiting for.

What God Says About Patience

While exploring the topic of patience, I delved into what God teaches us about this valuable virtue. The Bible addresses patience numerous times, acknowledging its importance and offering wisdom on how to cultivate it.

One of my favorite verses comes from James 1:2-4 (NIV), which says, “Consider it pure joy, my
brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

This passage highlights that patience is not merely a passive waiting but an active process leading to growth. Tribulations and waiting periods can be seen as opportunities for maturation—a chance to build resilience and strength.

Handling Impatience Through Faith

Incorporating my faith into the pursuit of patience provides me with additional strategies. Here’s how:

Prayer and Reflection: 
      Turning to prayer helps me clarify my feelings and seek guidance. It acts as a reminder that I am not alone in my struggles for patience.

Community Support: 
      Sharing my feelings with friends, family, or a faith community provides me with a network of support. They often have insights and experiences that can encourage and inspire patience in the waiting.

Trusting God’s Timing: 
      Ultimately, I remind myself that God has a perfect plan and timing for my life. This recognition frees me to release my immediate desires and embrace the waiting process.


      In conclusion, patience is an ongoing challenge for many of us, especially in our fast-paced world.
Acknowledging that it’s common to struggle with patience is the first step. By adopting personal strategies and turning to spiritual teachings, we can learn to navigate our impatience more effectively.

      So, how about you? What do you do to practice patience, and what strategies have you found helpful? I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences in the comments! Let's encourage one another on this journey toward patience.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Navigating the Unknown


 Faith, Worry, and Trusting God's Plan

Life is full of surprises, some wonderful, some challenging. But one of the biggest constants, if we're honest with ourselves, is the unsettling feeling of facing the unknown. We naturally worry about what's next, especially when it feels like things are outside of our control. My wife and I are currently navigating a period like this, a time where uncertainty reigns and the future feels a bit hazy.

I know my wife is handling this better than I am. I have a tendency to fret, to try and anticipate every possible outcome and figure out how to "fix" it. It's a natural human response, but it's not always the most helpful one. As a Christian, I'm reminded that my role isn't to control every aspect of life, but to bring it all to God and trust that He will work it out.

Bryan Duncan's words resonate deeply: "When you think you now better what needs done and how to fix it, That's you trying to be God and you're not him." It's a powerful reminder that my limited understanding is no match for God's infinite wisdom and power.

My faith, thankfully, is growing stronger through this experience. I believe God is with us, that He has a plan, and that He's already working things out for our good. My part is to continue praying and trust in His perfect timing.

However, I'll be the first to admit that trusting is hard sometimes. It's not my natural inclination to relinquish control. But I'm learning and striving to do just that. I'll keep praying and surrendering my anxieties to God.

Sharing the Struggle

I wanted to share this because I know many of you have faced, or are currently facing, similar situations. Whether it's a health concern, a job loss, a relationship challenge, or simply the anxiety of an uncertain future, the feeling of being overwhelmed by the unknown is a universal experience.

How Do You Deal With the Unknown?

So, I invite you to share your experiences and coping mechanisms in the comments below. How do you navigate those moments when worry creeps in and you feel helpless? What helps you to find peace and trust in the midst of uncertainty?

Let's encourage and support one another as we learn to navigate this journey called life, trusting in the One who holds the future in His hands.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Thin Line Between Reality and Reel Life


 When Fiction Mirrors Our World

      We all do it. We sit on the edge of our seats, engrossed in a movie or TV show, and utter the inevitable, "That would never happen in real life!" Or perhaps we're struck by the uncanny realism, whispering, "That was so close to real life!" But what exactly is the difference between the two? And how does the arrival of AI change the equation?

The Fabric of Fiction:

      The difference between real life and a movie lies in the very nature of their creation.
Real life is messy, unpredictable, and often unremarkable. Movies, on the other hand, are carefully crafted narratives, designed to entertain and engage. They offer heightened drama, idealized characters, and a structured plot that rarely reflects the complexities of everyday life.

The Power of True Stories:

      When a movie is based on a true story, the line blurs significantly. We are presented with real events, real people, and real emotions. Yet, even here, the process of adaptation introduces elements of fiction. Dialogue is often reconstructed, events are condensed or expanded for narrative flow, and characters are sometimes embellished to enhance the story's impact.

The Rise of AI and Its Impact:

      The arrival of AI has introduced a new dimension to this debate. We are now living in a
world where AI algorithms can generate realistic images, videos, and even text. These technologies allow filmmakers to create worlds that are increasingly indistinguishable from reality. In fact, some argue that AI-generated content may eventually blur the line between fiction and reality entirely.

When Fiction Mirrors Reality:

      Despite the inherent differences, there are moments when movies and real life seem to collide. We see this in films that tackle contemporary issues with unflinching honesty, mirroring social and political anxieties. We also see it in documentaries that capture the raw, unfiltered reality of human experience.

The Value of Both:

      Ultimately, the difference between real life and a movie isn't a matter of right or wrong. Both have their own unique value and purpose. Real life provides us with the raw material for understanding ourselves and the world around us. Movies offer a platform for exploring different perspectives, escaping into fantastical worlds, and connecting with stories that resonate on a deeply human level.

      So, the next time you find yourself questioning the plausibility of a scene in a movie, remember that both real life and fiction have their own distinct strengths. While AI may be blurring the lines between the two, the power of human storytelling and the fascination with the unexpected will continue to captivate us for generations to come.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Warren Miller a skiing legend

 The Legend Who Brought Skiing to Life on Film

Warren Miller wasn't just a skier; he was a storyteller, a visionary, and a pioneer who brought the exhilarating world of skiing to millions across the globe. His legacy lives on through a body of work that stands as a testament to the power of film to capture adventure,
beauty, and the pure joy of gliding down a mountainside.

For decades, Warren Miller Entertainment has been synonymous with stunning ski films, transporting audiences to breathtaking landscapes and introducing them to the thrill of pushing boundaries on skis. From the towering peaks of the Alps to the remote corners of the Himalayas, Miller's films captured the essence of skiing: the camaraderie, the challenge, and the unbridled freedom it offers.

More Than Just Skiing: A Legacy of Inspiration

Miller's films were more than just a showcase of athletic prowess. They were a celebration of the human spirit, a reminder that we are capable of achieving incredible things when we chase our dreams and embrace the unknown. His narratives, often interspersed with quirky humor and insightful reflections, connected with audiences on a deeper level.

His movies weren't just about skiing; they were about exploring the world, pushing limits, and finding adventure in unexpected places. He ignited a passion for skiing in countless individuals, inspiring them to explore the mountains and experience the transformative power of nature.

The Enduring Appeal of Warren Miller Films

What is it about Warren Miller films that continues to resonate with people even today? Perhaps it's the sense of wonder and escapism they offer, the chance to vicariously
experience the thrill of skiing in some of the most remarkable locations on Earth.

The films are also a powerful reminder of the importance of community and shared experiences. We see skiers from all walks of life come together, united by their love for the sport and their desire to push their limits.

A Legacy That Continues to Inspire

Although Warren Miller passed away in 2018, his legacy lives on through the company he founded and the countless people he inspired. The films continue to be produced, capturing
the spirit of adventure and the beauty of skiing in a way that remains true to Miller's original vision.

So, whether you're a seasoned skier or someone simply looking for a captivating adventure, take a moment to experience the magic of a Warren Miller film. You might just find yourself inspired to explore the mountains, chase your dreams, and discover the joy of skiing in a whole new light.

Have you seen a Warren Miller film? What was your favorite part? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Texas Fall

 It's Not Colorado, But It's Still Got That Magic

     As the sweltering days of summer fade away (Unless you live in Texas) and a crispness fills the air, we are ushered into the enchanting season of fall. With each passing day, nature transforms itself into a breathtaking tapestry of vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows, as leaves cascade from trees in a brilliant display of color. This stunning metamorphosis is just one of the many reasons why fall holds a special place in our hearts. It’s not just about the scenic beauty; it’s also a time for reconnecting with comforting traditions, indulging in seasonal flavors, and savoring delightful treats like warm apple cider and pumpkin-flavored goodies. From cozy sweaters to crisp evenings by the fire, fall embodies a sense of warmth and nostalgia, making it truly the best time of the year. Join me as we embrace the joys of this magical season and explore all the reasons that make fall a time worth celebrating.


   Now, I'm not going to lie, there's something about the crisp Colorado air, the brilliant reds and golds painting the mountainsides, that just screams "fall." But here in Texas, fall is a little different. We might not have the dramatic foliage displays or the snow-capped peaks, but trust me, we've got our own unique charm.

     For starters, the "cool" air we experience here is more like a welcome reprieve from the summer heat. Instead of bundling up in layers, we can finally enjoy the outdoors without sweating through our clothes. And let's be honest, there's something special about the feeling of a crisp autumn breeze on your skin after months of relentless sunshine.

     Fall in Texas is also all about cozy nights by the fire. Whether it's a crackling bonfire with friends or a warm fireplace with loved ones, those evenings are all about connection, laughter, and good conversation. And what better way to enjoy those evenings than with the smell of grilling food and the sweet scent of apple cider filling the air?

     Speaking of food, fall in Texas is a culinary delight. From pumpkin spice lattes and apple cider donuts to hearty chili and steaming bowls of creamy butternut squash soup, there's something for everyone to enjoy. And don't forget the local farm-to-table bounty! Fall is the perfect time to indulge in fresh, seasonal produce like crisp apples, juicy pears, and plump pomegranates.

     Sure, we might not have the iconic fall colors of Colorado, but our Texas sunsets are pretty darn spectacular! The sky transforms into a canvas of fiery hues as the sun dips below the horizon, creating breathtaking views that are truly unforgettable.

     So, while Texas fall might not be a carbon copy of its Colorado counterpart, it's still a time to appreciate the simple joys of the season. The cool air, cozy nights, delicious food, and breathtaking sunsets all come together to create a unique and cherished experience. It's a reminder that no matter where you are, fall has its own magic and beauty, waiting to be discovered.

Friday, September 27, 2024

My Favorite Place: Bergen, Norway


A Beautiful Escape Above the Arctic Circle

     When people ask about my favorite place that I've ever visited, my mind immediately races back to one extraordinary stop I made while serving in the Air Force. It was a fleeting moment in time, yet the memories remain vivid, like a vibrant painting frozen in the frame of my mind. That place is Bergen, Norway, nestled just above the Arctic Circle. If you ever find yourself seeking a breathtaking experience, Bergen might just be the perfect destination.

A Glimpse into Bergen's Beauty

     Arriving in Bergen was like stepping into a postcard. With its quaint wooden houses painted in a spectrum of warm colors, the city immediately reminded me of the charming fishing villages I had known in New England. The air was crisp and clean, infused with the scent of the sea and the soft whispers of the wind. It was as if Bergen held a secret - a mix of nature's grandeur and undeniable tranquility.

     As I wandered through the narrow streets lined with rustic buildings, I was captivated by the picturesque harbor, where boats bobbed gently with the rhythm of the waves. The iconic Bryggen Wharf, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, stood proudly with its medieval Hanseatic buildings. It was astonishing to think about the long history encapsulated within those timbered structures, echoing stories from the 14th century.

Nature at Its Finest

     What struck me most about Bergen was the stunning backdrop of towering mountains and sprawling fjords. During my stay, I took a cable car ride up to Mount Fløyen, where the panoramic views left me breathless. The sight of the city nestled between the mountains and the sea was one that I will carry with me forever. The vibrant green hills and the deep blue waters formed a visual symphony that seemed almost surreal.

     With the sun setting over the fjords, casting a golden hue on the horizon, I found a moment of solitude that reminded me of the simple joys of life. It was a pristine moment where time stood still, and all worries melted away. In that serene atmosphere, I understood why so many people refer to Norway as the Land of the Midnight Sun. The magic of that experience is something I feel fortunate to have witnessed.

Culture and Connection

     Bergen is not just a feast for the eyes; it also offers a rich tapestry of culture. I had the opportunity to explore local markets, sample traditional dishes, and interact with some of the warmest people I’ve ever met. The lively fish market buzzed with energy, offering a delightful array of fresh seafood, local crafts, and regional delicacies. I found myself indulging in the local cuisine, savoring flavors that were both unique and comforting.

     Through conversations with local residents, I learned about Norway's deep connection to the sea, its history as a fierce trading hub, and the resilience of its people. Their stories added a layer of depth to my visit, reminding me that travel is not just about seeing new places, but also about forging connections and understanding different cultures.

A Lasting Impression

     While my time in Bergen was relatively brief, it had a profound impact on me. The combination of natural beauty, rich history, and welcoming culture created a melting pot of experiences that I will cherish for a lifetime. It serves as a reminder that there are places in the world that transcend ordinary beauty, wrapping you in a sense of wonder that lingers long after you leave.

     In the end, Bergen isn’t just a favorite destination for me; it’s a cherished memory that I hold close to my heart. If you ever find yourself journeying through Norway, I encourage you to explore Bergen. Let its charm envelop you, just as it did for me, and discover the magic that lingers above the Arctic Circle. Whether you’re drawn to its stunning landscapes or its warm-hearted people, I promise, Bergen will not disappoint you.