Saturday, January 23, 2016

A review of Spotify

      Great adventures can be found in some of the simplest things from the movies we watch to the books we read, and even in the music we listen too. I love music so I listen to it at home on my computer and even at work as well. So today, I want to do a review of a great little music program I have been using for awhile. The music program is “Spotify”.

      There are many kinds of music programs Pandora, I heart radio, I tunes to name a
few. But, in my opinion Spotify is the best one on the web today. For the longest time I used Pandora until I found Spotify. So what makes Spotify so great?

      First off, I can choose what I want to hear from an entire album to just couple of songs from an album unlike Pandora. For example, I like the group Creed and in Spotify I can choose an entire album, but I don’t like all of their music. So, I can choose just one or two of their songs and that’s all they will play. On the other hand, with Pandora if I type in the group Creed, they will play all the songs by creed, I don’t get to choose which songs I want and to make it even worse, Pandora will play a bunch
of other music from groups similar to Creed. In short Pandora no personal control, Spotify you have total control.

      Another thing I like about Spotify is I can skip as many songs as I want, unlike Pandora. I have a very large play list, at last count I had a total of  177 different artists, but some of those have only 1 or 2 songs, what can I say I love my music. With so many artists and songs, sometimes I want I might want to listen to one specific artist or one specific album, with Spotify I can choose who I want and even the album I might want. Pandora doesn’t offer any of
that type of control,

      There are three other things I want to tell you about when it comes to Spotify. One; if you want to listen to their radio stations they have you can do that, just like Pandora and you can skip as many songs as you might want to, Pandora still won’t let you that. Next, there are a few commercial breaks, but nowhere near as many as Pandora has. And last and this is the most important thing, the whole thing is FREE !!! You can set up an account in minutes, mow there is a premium version, which takes out the commercials if you want to pay for it. You can use your Facebook account if you want to, but I recommend that you setup a Standalone account. When you setup an account you can download the program to your desktop as well as use their web player on the internet.

      So I would highly recommend you try Spotify, it is in my opinion the best streaming music player bar none. Give it a try and tell me what you think. That’s my review of  Spotify, I hope it was helpful.

Related Links:

Monday, January 11, 2016

A Challenge for the new year

     Each new year brings us new challenges, so I want to challenge all you readers out there. Below are 10 challenges for you to try, if you think you have what it takes. My guess is most of you will read the list and get a good laugh, then there will be some who will say I would do that but won't. And then, there is a very small group who will have what it takes to do 1 or 2 of them, but I don't think anyone will do all 10. If anyone tries any of these let everyone know and tells us what happen, please leave a comment.

So here is the list, do you except the challenge?
  1.  Go to WalMart and yell, "MARCO!" see who replies, "POLO!"
  2.  Hide an alarm clock in a locked box and set it to go off at 3 a.m. under your friend or siblings bed. 
  3.  Next time there is an awkward silence, try whispering, "Did you forget your line?"
  4.  Walk Up to a random person and say would you like to win a toyota and when they say yes give them a toy yoda from star wars
  5.  Glue a coin to the ground in a public place. watch people try to get it.
  6.  Put a sticky note on people's cars saying "sorry for the damage" then watch them look for it.
  7.  Go to an electronic store with a banana and say that you want to upgrade to an apple.
  8.  Go into a store with your phone in your hand and ask someone have you seen my phone? and hold it up and say it looks like this
  9.  Go in front of a jogger, run in front of them and scream "STOP CHASING ME"
  10. Ask random people what color their shirt is, see how many have to check.
So there is the list, now give it a try and make someone laugh or smile today.   

Friday, January 8, 2016

A Random Question (5)

OK, here is a question that will tell you if you are a risk taker or if you like to play it safe.

Would you rather have a guaranteed $100,000 or a 50/50 shot at $1 million?

So do you risk it all or play it safe?


     Hey fellow readers, I hope you all had a great new years and are ready to meet the challenges it will bring. Last year was a good year for me, I was able to write about some very cool things. Each new year I try to find something new to write about or to add to the blog, and this year isn't any diffrent.
      So many of you have asked me what's next or when am I going to do this or write about that. Well I am happy to announce that I have added something new to the blog. If you look just under the header on the left side, you will see two buttons, one says "Home" and the other one is the new "UP COMING EVENTS CALENDAR". If you click on the up coming events calendar, it will take you to my events page where you will see all the things that are going to come out on the blog or events that I think you all would be interested in, this will include my "Out Loud" blog as well.

      You will also be able to leave comments and suggestion as to what you would like to see or read. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Who needs water

     I was talking the other day to a couple of friends who love kayaking; they go all the time from spring into early. Their one big complaint is that here in Colorado the rivers can completely freeze over so they have to quit in the winter, they would do kayaking year round if they could. So I started reading about kayaking in Colorado.

     In my research I found out that they do kayak year round in Colorado, not on frozen rivers but all over the snow covered mountain slopes of Colorado, it’s called “Snow Kayaking” and it appears to be
a big deal here in Colorado. One article said this about snow kayaking:

Running a kayak on snow works almost the same as it does on water, except rather than let the current of a river push you along, gravity is your friend, dragging you down the mountain slope. You don’t have to worry about rocks jutting out of the water, but you do have to avoid snow-laden trees, which can really cause some damage if you smack into them.
Another article by Xtremesport 4 u had this to say:
The kayaks are well waxed and act like a sled although the paddle gives you more control. The wax means you can reach great speeds. However, it is considered an extreme sport and is therefore frowned upon at most ski resorts. It doesn’t just have to be an organized sport either – whole mountains out there are waiting to be kayaked! If you want to give this a go under someone’s watchful eye, there are professional competitions that involve all sorts of adrenaline-pumping obstacles. This sport is as much fun for the spectator as it is for the competitor.

So if you are a big time kayaker and the snow falls and the rivers freeze where you live, don’t put away your kayak, simply breakout your snow ski suite and take that kayak to a snow covered mountain or hill and have fun.

Always remember “Great adventures begin on the edge of life”. Go out and live life.