Monday, October 16, 2017

Winter time is here

With winter comes ski season 

and with ski season also comes 

"A new warren miller ski film"


     Yes, its that time of the year when the greatest ski film director "Warren Miller" releases his newest ski film. This year's film is "Line of Descent" and if this film is anything like the trailer, then this will be his best film yet.

     Now for those of you who don't know anything about Warren Miller films, there are a few things you need to know. First, the films are not found in movie theaters, at least I have never found one in a theater. Most of the time they are shown in big auditoriums with lots of vendors from ski resorts and ski companies like Solomon and Rossignol to name a few. It is a very big event and there is even an intermission, during which lots of stuff is given away. Last year when I went they gave away a free week of skiing in JacksonHole, WY.

     Warren Miller films are a big event and well worth going to see, but I must warn you when the film is announced for your area, get your tickets quick because these films sell out fast. Over all, it is worth the time and money, the filming is out of this world. The price of a ticket here in Colorado Springs is about $23, however that may vary a little bit from place to place.