Thursday, October 31, 2019

Haunted places in Colorado

     Well, it's Halloween again and I thought it would be fun to write about some of the haunted places here in Colorado. I originally wanted to cover only abandon haunted buildings, but that turned out to be a bit tougher than expected, so some of these are still in use today. So let's get started.

Black Forest Haunted cabin

      The first place on the list is not far from where I live. This is a home in the black forest area and as far as I know, the owner still lives there. It started off small things being turned on and off. Then according to the owners, it got worse. They had strang sounds and shadow-like figures walking around in the woods staring at the house. At one point the owners said they came home and it looked like the 4th of July, every light in the place was flashing on and off and some even had colors. I don't know about you, but I think I would have moved.

Gilman: The mining town in Colorado

     This next one I have seen, it is the Gillman mining ghost town. There are so many stories as to why this mine was shut down so quickly. The one consistent story is that the mining became unprofitable and toxic pollutants in the water and found all around the town forced the EPA to order the whole town closed. One thing is the townspeople left in a hurry and a fence was put up to keep people out. However, some urban explorers have gone in and came out saying it looks like everyone had just left. The hospital still has files and Xrays scattered all over the floor, even the equipment was still there. As for the fact that it is haunted, it's hard to tell. Many people claim to see figures running around at night and even say they can hear the voices of children playing and running around the abandon streets. Having seen the place my self, I can say I have not seen or heard anything.

Pavillion at Cheesman Park in Denver, Colorado by Carol Highsmith.

     This next haunted place is actually a park in Denver "Cheesman Park". This story sounds like it came right out of a movie, The park is beautiful and people love to walk around and enjoy the gardens and have picknicks there even though they may not realize it but they could be sharing it all with about 2,000 restless ghosts.  Why because the whole park was built right on top of a cemetery. Although most of the bodies were moved, it is said that 2,000 bodies still remain to this day buried right below that spot you are having your picknick at, think about your kids might be running over the graves of the dead. There are stories of ghostly sightings and sounds. It is also said that at night when the moon is just right you can see the outline of the graves that are still there.


     This is the Colorado Territorial Prison Musem. It sits right next to the wall of the prison it's self that is still in use today. It is said that the museum is haunted by the inmates that have died there or were executed in the gas chamber that use to be used there at the prison. It has also been said by many of the guards, that a ghostly figure of a man can be seen sitting in the chair inside the gas chamber struggling to get out.

The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, CO

     No place about haunted places would ever be complete without including this place. It is said that a famous author stayed here once and woke up from a horrible nightmare about this place which gave birth to a book and eventually a movie about this place. The name of this place? ....... "The Stanley Hotel" Who was this famous author? ........ none other than Stephen King, and the book which became a movie? ........ "The Shining". This hotel is rich in history and stories of hauntings, so much so I could never cover it in this article. 

     There you go, some of the most haunted places here in colorado. There are so many more places and stories to learn about, even the ones I covered here have so much more to tell you. I would encourage you to check them out yourself and even explore them if you dare.

Happy Halloween everyone

Friday, October 11, 2019

Top 10 list

     I remember taking long road trips with my family, a lot of times there was a lot to see and other times it was very boring, Like those times driving out across Kansas or the deserts in southern California. So I would pass the time reading the road signs and bumper stickers, some were very funny.

     So today I thought I would take a look back at some funny signs that people have put up over the years. But not just any signs, signs that churches have put up. So with that said let's get started.

I wonder what the pastor is preaching at this church.

honk if you love jesus

This church is concerned not only about you, but how you drive.


I felt like this when it got very cold and snowed a bit here in Colorado.

45 Funny Church Signs - Satan called. He wants his weather back.

I couldn't leave the hot weather out.


I don't think this is the message they really wanted.

45 Funny Church Signs - God wants spiritual fruit, not religious nuts.

Hmmm as a christian this is something to think about.

    45 Funny Church Signs - Walmart is not the only saving place.

Sorry, Walmart.

Image result for funny church signs 2019

Hmm, Not sure about this church.

Image result for funny church signs 2019

But are you hearing?

Image result for funny church signs 2019

If this really worked, you would be rolling around on the ground for this rest of eternity. Think about it.

     Well, that's it for now, So what signs have you seen on your road trips, share them with us and if you have a picture feel free to share it, it might end up in the next top ten list.  I hope this got you to smile or even laugh a bit. Have a great day.