Thursday, December 26, 2019

New Years resolutions

     Well Christmas is over and know it's time to look at the year ahead, and with that also comes those new year resolutions we all seem to love. Now some of you know me and know I don't do resolutions, but there are people who do and like anything, there are a few people out there that come up with some of the strangest resolutions ever.

       So I thought it would be fun to look at some of the strangest resolutions people have made. So listed below are 15 of the strangest resolutions I have ever heard of,  they are not in any particular order. I also included a bonus one which I will explain at the end.

1) I resolve to always leave one chip in the bag. (This is like putting an empty pitcher back in the refrigerator)

2) I resolve to try extreme ironing. (Yes this is a real extreme Sport)

3) I resolve to collect air sick bags from every major airline. (Now there is a collection to be proud of)

4) I resolve to knit more sweaters for freezing trees. (Must have been made by a tree hugger)

5) I resolve to get more serious about "News Raiding" by appearing and waving in the background of more live TV shots. (Everyone wants their 5 minutes of fame)

6) I resolve to never again take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night. (There is a lot I could say about this, but I won't)

7) I resolve to claim all my pets as dependents on my taxes. (Let me know if they let you get away with that)

8) I resolve to wait around for opportunity. (And how's that working out?)

9) I resolve to recycle my old resolutions. (I guess if you keep trying you might make it)

10) I resolve to make better BAD decisions. (Where I work we have a bunch of people that have tried that …….. We call them inmates)

11) I resolve to lose weight by living on the moon. (Is that after they let you out of the nut house?)

12) I resolve to go back to school to avoid paying my student loan back. (I don't even know what to say about this one)

13) I resolve to change my username to password and my password to username to make it harder for hackers to figure it out. (I am glad this person is not head of any computer security company)

14) I resolve to be more assertive if that's ok with you guys. (And if we were to say no?)

15) I resolve to find the moron who let the dogs out. (I did it)

       Well there is 15 of the dumbest resolutions that people have actually made. Now I did say I had a bonus for you and here it is:

"Stop making New Year’s resolutions you aren’t going to keep."

       This was the one consistent resolution that I found in almost every web site I looked at or read. Most people that do new years resolutions fail in the first 2 weeks and by the end of the month give up all together. So have you heard of some strange, weird resolutions? Leave a comment down below and share it with everyone.

       So as 2019 winds down, I hope it was a good year for you and 2020 will be even better.