Wednesday, October 30, 2024

10 Funny and Stupid Things People Do to Find True Peace

      In a world constantly buzzing with stress, noise, and never-ending to-do lists, the quest for true peace often takes center stage in our lives. But let’s be honest—sometimes, in the pursuit of tranquility, we end up doing the most ridiculous things. You know what they say: “Desperate times call for desperate measures.” With that in mind, here are 10 funny and downright silly things people have done in their quest for peace of mind.

1. Throwing a ‘Happiness Rock’ Party

      Picture this: a group of friends sitting in a circle, passionately discussing which rocks bring them joy while insisting that “Happiness Rocks” should be a thing. Spoiler alert: it’s just a bunch of people throwing stones at their problems—literally.

2. Meditating in a Retail Store

      Nothing says “inner calm” like trying to find your zen state while surrounded by shoppers arguing over the last pair of shoes. The tranquility candles might help, but the
occasional cart collision can really impact one’s inner peace.

3. Talking to Houseplants Like They’re Friends

      Many people swear by talking to their houseplants, thinking it brings them peace. But can you imagine the conversation? “Hey Fern, can you keep my secrets? I need to feel heard.” At this point, the only thing thriving is the plant’s ego!

4. Yoga Amidst Distracting Noises

      Some folks decide to have a peaceful yoga session, only to realize they’ve chosen a spot right beneath a flight path. Nothing disrupts your warrior pose like a 747 flying overhead. Remember, grounding yourself is important, but not when you’re grounded by jet fuel!

5. Creating a “Positive Vibes Only” Sign in Their Bathroom

      Hanging a sign that reads “Good Vibes Only” above the toilet might seem like a simple way to bring positivity into the home. But let’s face it, every time nature calls, you might find yourself questioning your life choices. Who needs a peaceful bathroom experience when you’re busy vibing?

6. Taking a Sound Bath with Inappropriate Soundtrack

      Sound baths are all the rage, but some people misinterpret the concept. Picture someone trying to relax to the sound of bagpipes or a cat meowing. Instead of inner peace, you’re left wondering if you entered a bizarre music festival instead.

7. Building a Tiny Zen Garden with Actual Tiny Objects

      Some people construct miniature zen gardens out of the most absurd items—think Lego pieces as rocks or thumbtacks as shrubs. It might not bring the peace they desire, but it sure brings a laugh as they find their “inner child” in a mound of plastic bricks.

8. Holding Formal Peace Meetings with Kids’ Toys

      Gathering stuffed animals and dolls for a serious discussion about global peace may sound noble, but the outcome usually involves debates over who gets the last cookie or a heated exchange about who is the real “boss” in the toy world.

9. Engaging in ‘Peaceful’ Art Therapy—Using Only Condiments

    Some people find peace through art. However, this peace may quickly turn into chaos when they decide to express their feelings using ketchup and mustard. Who knew that painting on canvas could get so messy—and tasty?

10. Dancing in Public Without a Care in the World

      Finally, there are those who hit the streets to dance out their stress. While this can be liberating, it’s even funnier when bystanders look on with mouths agape. Some may find it endearing; others just want to know if they accidentally walked into an audition for a reality show.


      In the search for inner peace, it’s clear that people will try anything—even if it’s absurd. Whether it’s negotiating with houseplants or unintentionally becoming the star of an unintended performance art piece in public, it’s vital to take a moment to laugh at ourselves. After all, if you can’t find peace, at least you can find humor! So the next time you’re tangled in the chaotic web of life, remember, maybe your path to tranquility just requires a good dose of silliness. 🧘‍♀️✨

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

England Goodbye, Then and Now


 A Timely Reminder to Look to Christ

      Back in the 70s, a song titled "England Goodbye" captured the turmoil of the nation through the lyrics of Malcolm Wild and Alywn Wall. The song wasn't just about political and social upheaval; it was a poignant commentary on a society turning away from God and the consequences that followed.

      While the song's focus was on England's struggles, its message resonates powerfully with the world we inhabit today. If we look around, it's impossible to ignore the widespread troubles plaguing our planet – conflict, division, moral decay, and a pervasive sense of unease. And while the global stage provides a stark backdrop, we don't need to look far to see the signs of a world losing focus on God. Our neighborhoods, our schools, and sadly, even some corners of the church, bear witness to this drift.

The Consequences of a Godless World

      The message of "England Goodbye" serves as a timely reminder that neglecting our spiritual foundation has consequences. It's a truth echoed throughout history and in the scriptures. When we turn our backs on God, we inevitably lose our way.

      Think of the biblical story of Peter walking on water towards Jesus. Filled with faith, he took the initial step. But the moment he diverted his gaze from Christ, doubt crept in, and he began to sink. This powerful image mirrors the predicament of our world today. We are like Peter, called to walk with Christ, but too often, we allow distractions and worldly concerns to steal our focus.

Returning to a Christ-Centered Life

      The solution, then, is clear: we must return to a Christ-centered life. We must prioritize our relationship with God, placing Him at the very core of our existence. This isn't about a fleeting moment of devotion; it requires a conscious, ongoing effort to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, to seek His guidance in every aspect of our lives.

      This journey won't be without its stumbles. We are human, after all, and we will falter. But just as Jesus reached out to Peter when he was sinking, God is ever-ready to extend His hand to us in our moments of weakness. He is our constant source of strength, our refuge in times of trouble, and our ultimate hope for a brighter future.

A Call to Action

      The world, much like England in the 70s, is in dire need of a spiritual awakening. "England Goodbye" may have been written decades ago, but its message continues to hold relevance. Let us embrace this timely reminder and recommit ourselves to seeking God's guidance and living a life centered on His love. By keeping our eyes fixed on Christ, we can navigate the troubled waters of this world and find the path to true peace and lasting purpose.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Why Can't We Stop Comparing Ourselves?

We're all guilty of doing it. We see someone else's fancy new car, their perfect family, or their successful career, and we can't help but feel a twinge of envy. We start to compare our own lives to theirs, and we come up short.

Why can't we just be happy with what we have? Why do we always have to compare ourselves to others?

There are a few reasons why we do this. First, we are social creatures. We are constantly interacting with other people, and we naturally compare ourselves to them. We want to know how we measure up.

Second, we are wired to seek out rewards. When we see someone else who has something we want, we are motivated to work harder to get it. This is a good thing, because it drives us to achieve our goals.

However, when we compare ourselves to others too often, it can lead to negative consequences. We can start to feel inadequate, resentful, and even depressed. We can also become paralyzed by fear of failure.

What Does God Say About Comparison?

God has a lot to say about comparison. In the Bible, He tells us that we should not compare ourselves to others (2 Corinthians 10:12). He also tells us that we are all unique and special, and that He loves us just the way we are (Psalm 139:14).

God wants us to focus on our own relationship with Him, and not on how we compare to others. He wants us to be content with what we have, and to trust in His plan for our lives (Philippians 4:11-13).

How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

If you find yourself constantly comparing yourself to others, there are a few things you can do to stop: Focus on your own strengths. Everyone has something unique to offer. Instead of focusing on what you don't have, focus on the things that you are good at.
Be grateful for what you have. Take some time each day to think about all of the things that you are grateful for. This will help you to appreciate what you have, and to be less envious
of others.

Set realistic goals. When you set goals for yourself, make sure that they are realistic and achievable. If you set your sights too high, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.

Spend time with positive people. The people you surround yourself with have a big impact on your thoughts and feelings. Spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself, and who support your goals.

Pray to God. God can help you to overcome the temptation to compare yourself to others. Pray to Him for strength, guidance, and contentment.

Comparing yourself to others is a waste of time and energy. It will only lead to disappointment and discouragement. Instead, focus on your own relationship with God, and be grateful for the blessings in your life.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Skeletons in the closet

 But can they dance?

      I made this video many years ago with an FX program I was trying for my son William. I told him if he didn't clean his room that the skeletons would come out of his closet in the middle of the night and scare him into cleaning his room.........It didn't work. We all have skeletons in our closet, But the real question is "Can they dance?"

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Trick or Treat

The Sweetest and Most Sour of Halloween Candies

      As the spooky season approaches, it's time to dive into the sugary delights that make Halloween a memory to savor. From the nostalgic treats of our childhood to the latest sweet temptations, here's a comprehensive look at the best and worst of Halloween candies:

Favorite Candies

Every Halloween, we had that one candy that made our night. For many, it was the classic Smarties: a colorful array of sweet discs that melted in the mouth. Other beloved favorites include:

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

Milky Way

Kit Kats


Hershey's Chocolate Bars

Most Popular Candies

According to surveys, the top Halloween candies year after year include:

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups





These candies have become synonymous with Halloween, and their popularity stems from their irresistible flavors, variety, and universal appeal.

Worst Candies

While there are some candies we love, there are others that make us cringe. Here are the candies that consistently rank as the least desirable treats:

Candy Corn: Its sweet and waxy texture is off-putting to many, making it a Halloween staple we'd rather avoid.

Black Licorice: Its strong, anise-like flavor is an acquired taste that not everyone enjoys.

Circus Peanuts: These neon marshmallows are too sweet and artificial for most palates.

Wax Lips: More of a novelty than a candy, these wax lips were never really meant to be eaten.

Dots: These gummy candies have a strange texture and an overpowering sweetness.

Balancing the Treats

      To avoid a sugar overload while still enjoying the Halloween festivities, it's a good idea to have a balance of healthier options on hand. Consider offering fruit cups, popcorn balls, or trail mix alongside the candy bowls. This way, kids (and adults!) can indulge without feeling too guilty. OK, like the kids are really going for that, Nope I wouldn't, and I don't think most kids would either.

      Halloween is all about treats and terror. So, grab your favorite candies, dress up in your scariest costume, and enjoy this spooky season filled with sugary delights and haunting memories!