Friday, November 15, 2024

The Evolution of Contemporary Christian Rock (Part 2)

More Than just "Jesus Rock"

You might hear it on the radio, see it on MTV, or even catch it playing in your local coffee shop. But what exactly is Contemporary Christian Music (CCM), and how does it differ from the rock 'n' roll we're used to?

The Roots of CCM:

CCM emerged in the 1970s as a response to the evolving sounds of popular music. Artists like Larry Norman, Amy Grant, and Petra began blending traditional gospel themes with rock, pop, folk, and even country influences. This created a new wave of music that resonated with younger generations who were looking for a more contemporary expression of their faith.

What Sets It Apart?

While CCM shares many musical styles with mainstream music, its core difference lies in its lyrical content. CCM artists often address themes of faith, hope, love, and redemption, drawing inspiration from the Bible and personal experiences. The music often reflects a worldview shaped by Christian beliefs, exploring topics like:

Personal struggles and triumphs:

Songs may deal with overcoming addiction, finding purpose, or navigating relationships.

Praise and worship:

CCM features abundant songs dedicated to praising God and expressing gratitude for His love.

Spiritual growth and transformation:

Lyrics often encourage introspection and seek to inspire listeners to grow in their faith.

Beyond the Religious:

While faith is central to CCM, it's not the only focus. Many artists within the genre explore universal themes of love, loss, resilience, and the search for meaning. These themes resonate with listeners regardless of their faith background.

The Evolution of CCM:

Over the years, CCM has diversified and evolved. From the early days of 'Jesus Rock' to the more polished sounds of contemporary pop and alternative rock, CCM has embraced a wide range of musical styles. Today, we see artists like Hillsong United, Lauren Daigle, and Chris Tomlin topping charts and influencing mainstream music with their powerful melodies and impactful lyrics.

CCM Beyond the Genre:

The influence of CCM extends beyond the genre itself. Many mainstream artists, including pop stars like Katy Perry and Taylor Swift, have incorporated spiritual themes and references into their music. This indicates a growing acceptance of Christian values and a broader appeal for music that speaks to the heart.

Ultimately, CCM offers a unique and diverse musical landscape. It blends faith with musicality, creating a sound that speaks to a wide audience. Whether you're searching for a meaningful expression of faith or simply looking for music with a powerful message, CCM is worth exploring.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

The Evolution of Contemporary Christian Rock (Part 1)

From Garage bands to Stadiums

Contemporary Christian music (CCM) has come a long way since its humble beginnings. What started as a niche genre primarily appealing to devout listeners has evolved into a vibrant, diverse scene with a significant impact on both Christian and mainstream music. But how did we get here? Let's take a journey through the history of CCM and explore where it stands today.

The Roots of a Revolution:

The 1970s saw the birth of CCM as we know it. Bands like "Love Song" and "The 2nd Chapter of Acts" emerged, blending traditional Christian themes with the rock and roll sound that was sweeping the nation. These early pioneers paved the way for the genre's growth, influencing future generations of artists. Key factors that drove the rise of CCM included:

A desire for authentic expression: Christian youth sought music that reflected their own experiences and struggles with faith in a changing world.

The emergence of independent labels: Labels like Sparrow Records

and Myrrh Records provided a platform for artists who were not readily accepted by mainstream labels.

The influence of artists like Larry Norman: Known as the 'father of Christian rock,' Norman challenged the status quo with his thought-provoking lyrics and rebellious spirit.

Reaching New Heights:

The 1980s witnessed a surge in popularity for CCM. Bands like "Petra", "Stryper", and "DC Talk" achieved mainstream recognition, taking their energetic performances and powerful messages to larger audiences. This period also saw the rise of Christian rock radio stations and the creation of the first Christian music awards show (the Dove Awards).

Breaking Barriers:

The 1990s brought further evolution and diversification. Artists like

"Third Day", "Newsboys", and "Switchfoot" began to experiment with different sounds, incorporating elements of alternative rock, pop, and even metal into their music. This embrace of diverse styles helped CCM reach a wider audience, breaking down barriers and challenging preconceptions about Christian music.

A New Era of Innovation:

Today, CCM continues to evolve. Artists like "For King & Country", "Hillsong United", and "Lecrae" and even groups like "POD" have achieved massive success, blending their faith with modern pop and electronic influences. The rise of streaming services and social media has broadened the reach of CCM, allowing artists to connect directly with fans worldwide.

The Future of CCM:

The future looks bright for contemporary Christian rock. As the genre continues to evolve and embrace new sounds and technologies, its influence will continue to expand. Artists are now using their

platforms to advocate for social justice and raise awareness about important issues, demonstrating the power of music to inspire and effect change and bring the message God to the world.

The story of CCM is a testament to the enduring power of faith, creativity, and a passion for authentic expression. From its humble beginnings in garages and churches, the genre has grown into a vibrant force, inspiring millions around the world and shaping the landscape of music today, and bring the message of God's love to young and old alike. It's a journey that continues to unfold, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for contemporary Christian rock. Remember what Larry Norman always said “Why should the devil have all the good music”

Monday, November 11, 2024

The Silent Symphony of Strangers

Photo by Scott Fillmer on Unsplash

A Global Perspective

We've all been there. Sitting in a bustling airport terminal, the rhythmic hum of announcements and rolling suitcases a constant backdrop. Or perhaps it's the loud chaotic sounds of a bustling mall, a mix of vibrant colors and hurried footsteps. You find yourself drawn to the human tide flowing around you, each individual a silent story unfolding before your eyes. As a traveler who's been lucky enough to experience the world, this fascination with the 'everyman' has become a constant companion.

There's a certain magic in observing these anonymous faces, their lives intertwined for a fleeting moment in a shared space. I've watched weary travelers in airports, their eyes reflecting the longing for home, or the excitement of a new adventure. I've seen families huddled together, their laughter echoing the joy of shared experiences. In train stations, I've observed the stoic businessman, lost in thought, and the giddy school children, their backpacks overflowing with anticipation.

Each face is a canvas for a story waiting to be told. Where are they going? What are they leaving behind? What dreams and fears flicker in their eyes? These questions, while unanswered, fuel a sense of connection, a universal human experience that transcends cultural boundaries.

Photo by Alex Block on Unsplash

It’s in these moments, amidst the chaos and anonymity of crowds, that I feel a profound understanding of humanity. We are all travelers on our own unique journeys, seeking connection, purpose, and a place to belong. Perhaps, in the fleeting encounters of airports and malls, we find a reflection of ourselves, a reminder that we are not alone in this vast and intricate world.

The next time you find yourself in a crowded space, take a moment to observe. Let your mind wander, play detective, and imagine their stories. You might find, as I have, a sense of awe and wonder at the tapestry of life unfolding around you, a silent symphony of strangers, each playing their own unique part.

Friday, November 8, 2024

The Art of Listening

A Deeper Dive into an Everyday Skill

Hey everyone,

Today on my way to work, I had a random thought about listening. Yes, listening. I know, I know—this is a subject everyone talks about a lot, but bear with me for a moment. How often do we tell our kids phrases like, “You’re not listening,” or “I know you heard me, but were you really listening?” These common expressions highlight a curious distinction between hearing and real listening—something many of us may overlook.

So, what is real listening? How does it differ from merely hearing? Is it a skill we develop over time, or is it something we do naturally? And, perhaps most intriguingly, what does God say about listening? After pondering these questions, I decided to dive into the subject, and here’s what I found.

Hearing vs. Listening: The Key Difference

Firstly, let’s clarify the distinction between hearing and listening. Hearing is a physiological process; it involves perceiving sounds through our ears without necessarily engaging with them. We hear background noise, chatter, and the hum of daily life without attaching meaning to it.

On the other hand, listening is an active, conscious choice. It means engaging with what is being said, processing the information, and often responding thoughtfully. Real listening requires empathy, focus, and intention. It involves tuning out distractions and dedicating ourselves to understanding the speaker's message—both verbal and non-verbal.

The Importance of Real Listening:

Curious to explore why real listening is essential, I started reflecting on my own experiences. Have you ever been in a conversation where someone was clearly hearing you but not actually listening? It feels isolating and frustrating, doesn’t it? Real listening fosters connections, facilitates understanding, and nurtures relationships—whether they are personal or professional.

In our fast-paced world, where multitasking has become the norm, the ability to genuinely listen can often be overlooked. Yet, listening well can enhance our learning, deepen our relationships, and make us more effective communicators.

Can We Learn to Listen:

So, is listening something we can learn? The answer is yes! While some people may have a natural inclination toward being good listeners, many of us can develop this skill. Active listening exercises, such as maintaining eye contact, summarizing what the other party has said, and asking clarifying questions, help embed real listening practices into our daily interactions.

Mindfulness also plays a significant role. Being present in the moment allows us to engage fully with the speaker instead of letting our minds wander or formulating our responses before they finish speaking.

What Does God Say About Listening:

Now, turning our attention to a spiritual perspective, it’s fascinating to see what God says about listening. Whether you find wisdom in the teachings of Jesus, the stories of the Old Testament, or the epistles in the New Testament, the importance of listening resonates throughout scripture.

For instance, James 1:19 encourages us to “be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.” This verse not only highlights the importance of listening but also alludes to the idea that active listening can lead to greater understanding and reduced conflict.

Moreover, the act of listening is often portrayed as an act of love and respect. In Proverbs 18:13, we learn that “to answer before listening—that is folly and shame.” This underscores the necessity of cultivating patience and attentiveness.


In conclusion, real listening is an invaluable skill that we can all strive to improve. It distinguishes itself from mere hearing through its active engagement and emotional resonance. By practicing mindful listening and understanding its significance in our lives and relationships, we can forge deeper connections and foster a culture of empathy and respect.

So the next time you find yourself in a conversation, ask yourself: Are you hearing, or are you really listening? And as you embark on this journey of improvement, consider leaning into what God has to say about the transformative power of listening. I hope this exploration sheds light on an everyday skill that can enrich our lives and our relationships.

Until next time, happy listening!

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

The Funny Misadventures of Bob the Burglar


The continued adventures of Bob the burglar

Bob, a man whose criminal career was about as successful as a sieve holding water, was the undisputed, albeit unwanted, king of burglary in Klien, Texas. Now, 'king' might be a generous term. More accurately, he was the only burglar in Klien, a fact he attributed to his unique set of...challenges.

Firstly, Bob was terrified of cats. A simple hiss from a fluffy feline could send him scrambling up a tree faster than a squirrel after an acorn. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, the sight of a 90-year-old lady clutching a shotgun sent shivers down his spine that rivaled the chill of a Texas winter. These two phobias combined to create a rather amusingly disastrous career path.

Episode 1: The Case of the Fluffy Felon

Bob, eyeing a particularly tempting-looking Victorian house with a "Beware of Dog" sign that suspiciously lacked a canine presence, crept towards the back garden. He was just about to jimmy the lock when a fluffy, ginger cat, the size of a small bear, materialized from the shadows with a menacing meow.

Bob, his face paling, yelped like a startled chihuahua and promptly tripped over a garden gnome, sending it hurtling towards the window. The resulting crash shattered the peace of the neighborhood and alerted the homeowner, a kindly old lady named Agnes, who just happened to be a champion sharpshooter in her younger days and still practiced regularly.

Agnes, armed with a shotgun that could probably bring down a small aircraft, promptly marched out onto the porch, glaring at the flailing Bob with the intensity of a thousand suns. Bob, in a desperate bid for survival, launched himself over a rosebush, leaving behind a trail of shredded clothing and bewildered apologies. Agnes, chuckling at the ridiculous sight, simply shook her head and went back inside. Bob, bruised and humiliated, crawled away, vowing to stick to robbing lemonade stands in the future.

Episode 2: The Night of the Nine Lives

Emboldened by a particularly strong cup of coffee, Bob decided to try again, this time targeting a seemingly empty house with a "Beware of Cat" sign. He tiptoed through the front door, only to be greeted by a chorus of indignant meows. A horde of fluffy, striped, and calico cats, each with an expression of pure disdain, surrounded him, hissing and spitting.

Bob, convinced he'd stumbled into a feline convention, frantically backpedaled out the door, tripping over his own feet in the process. He landed hard, his head colliding with a garden ornament shaped like a grumpy-looking owl. Dazed and disoriented, he made a hasty retreat, leaving behind a trail of bewildered felines and a shattered owl.

Episode 3: The Great Granny Gamble

Determined to prove he wasn't a complete failure, Bob decided to finally tackle the challenge of the 90-year-old ladies with shotguns. He picked a quiet street, hoping to catch a solitary victim off guard. He crept towards a house with a slightly askew porch swing, convinced it was ripe for the picking.

As he fiddled with the lock, the porch door creaked open, revealing a woman with a twinkle in her eye and a shotgun resting casually on her shoulder. She was 92 years old, and her smile radiated an aura of mischief and impending doom. Bob, his heart hammering against his ribs like a trapped bird, fainted before he could utter a single word.

The 92-year-old chuckled, shaking her head at the hapless Bob. She helped him to his feet, gave him a cookie, and gently advised him to find a more suitable career path. Bob, thoroughly beaten, promised never to bother anyone again, especially not anyone with a twinkle in their eye and a fondness for weaponry.

And so, the legend of Bob the Burglar, the worst burglar in Klien, Texas, lived on, a cautionary tale of feline fury and the formidable power of 90-year-old women with shotguns. His misadventures, while disastrous, were always guaranteed to bring a smile to the faces of Klien's residents, reminding them that even in the face of adversity, there was always room for a good chuckle.

By Eric