Monday, December 23, 2024

Embracing the 7:14 Challenge: A Journey of Humility and Growth


     Hey everyone! Today, I want to share something truly transformative that Pastor Jarrett preached at our church, Champion Forest. A little while back, he introduced us to the concept of humility, drawing inspiration from 2 Chronicles 7:14. He framed this idea into a challenge known as the "7:14 Challenge," which encourages us to reflect on our lives and deepen our relationship with God. 

Pastor Jarrett broke down the word "HUMBLE" into six key components:

H – Honest assessment of self

U – Understand the greatness of God

M – Make others a priority

B – Begin each day with the Lord

L – Listen more than speak

E – Engage in secret acts of service

He invited us to accept this challenge by praying every day, twice a day, at 7:14. I took this challenge to heart, and I want to share the insights God has revealed to me during this journey. Yes, I am still actively participating in this challenge, and I hope my experiences inspire you to embark on your own.

H – Honest Assessment of Self

The first step, "Honest assessment of self," was particularly challenging for me. It required a deep level of introspection and honesty. I had to confront the reality that not everything in my life was as perfect as I had convinced myself it was. My walk with the Lord needed improvement, and my family life could certainly benefit from more attention. Acknowledging these areas for growth was difficult, but with God's help, I am striving to improve.

U – Understand the Greatness of God

Next, I delved into understanding the greatness of God. This is a lifelong journey, and I believe I will continue to learn about His magnificence until I reach heaven. My biggest struggle has been grasping how such a great God could love me so deeply, enough to send His Son to die on the cross for my sins. Each day, I witness God's greatness in my security work at the hospital, where His presence is evident in the lives we touch.

M – Make Others a Priority

Making others a priority is another area I am actively working on. As I focus on putting others first, I find immense joy and fulfillment. God calls this "having a servant's heart," and it is a quality I aspire to embody in my life. The more I practice this, the more I feel connected to those around me.

B – Begin Each Day with the Lord

I have discovered that beginning each day with the Lord is crucial for my well-being. If I skip this time, my day often feels off-kilter. Starting my day with a simple prayer or a deep dive into His Word sets a positive tone for everything that follows. It’s essential to carve out time for God amidst our busy lives.

L – Listen More Than Speak

Listening more than speaking can be a tough challenge. I often find myself wanting to jump in with solutions before fully understanding the situation. However, I’ve learned that sometimes, people just need someone to listen to their struggles. I pray daily for God to help me become a better listener, allowing me to support others without the urge to fix everything.

E – Engage in Secret Acts of Service

Finally, engaging in secret acts of service is a beautiful way to express our faith. It’s essential to reflect on our motivations: Are we serving for God’s glory, or are we seeking recognition from others? If our intentions are not pure, it’s a good idea to ask God for guidance and help in this area.


These insights have profoundly impacted my life as I embrace the 7:14 Challenge. I encourage you to accept this challenge as well and witness the transformation it can bring to your life and the lives of those around you. A heartfelt thank you to Pastor Jarrett Stephens for delivering such a powerful message and challenge that we can all embrace.

**Call to Action:** I invite you to share your experiences with the 7:14 Challenge in the comments below. How has it impacted your life? Let’s encourage one another on this journey of humility and growth!

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