Friday, September 27, 2024

My Favorite Place: Bergen, Norway


A Beautiful Escape Above the Arctic Circle

     When people ask about my favorite place that I've ever visited, my mind immediately races back to one extraordinary stop I made while serving in the Air Force. It was a fleeting moment in time, yet the memories remain vivid, like a vibrant painting frozen in the frame of my mind. That place is Bergen, Norway, nestled just above the Arctic Circle. If you ever find yourself seeking a breathtaking experience, Bergen might just be the perfect destination.

A Glimpse into Bergen's Beauty

     Arriving in Bergen was like stepping into a postcard. With its quaint wooden houses painted in a spectrum of warm colors, the city immediately reminded me of the charming fishing villages I had known in New England. The air was crisp and clean, infused with the scent of the sea and the soft whispers of the wind. It was as if Bergen held a secret - a mix of nature's grandeur and undeniable tranquility.

     As I wandered through the narrow streets lined with rustic buildings, I was captivated by the picturesque harbor, where boats bobbed gently with the rhythm of the waves. The iconic Bryggen Wharf, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, stood proudly with its medieval Hanseatic buildings. It was astonishing to think about the long history encapsulated within those timbered structures, echoing stories from the 14th century.

Nature at Its Finest

     What struck me most about Bergen was the stunning backdrop of towering mountains and sprawling fjords. During my stay, I took a cable car ride up to Mount Fløyen, where the panoramic views left me breathless. The sight of the city nestled between the mountains and the sea was one that I will carry with me forever. The vibrant green hills and the deep blue waters formed a visual symphony that seemed almost surreal.

     With the sun setting over the fjords, casting a golden hue on the horizon, I found a moment of solitude that reminded me of the simple joys of life. It was a pristine moment where time stood still, and all worries melted away. In that serene atmosphere, I understood why so many people refer to Norway as the Land of the Midnight Sun. The magic of that experience is something I feel fortunate to have witnessed.

Culture and Connection

     Bergen is not just a feast for the eyes; it also offers a rich tapestry of culture. I had the opportunity to explore local markets, sample traditional dishes, and interact with some of the warmest people I’ve ever met. The lively fish market buzzed with energy, offering a delightful array of fresh seafood, local crafts, and regional delicacies. I found myself indulging in the local cuisine, savoring flavors that were both unique and comforting.

     Through conversations with local residents, I learned about Norway's deep connection to the sea, its history as a fierce trading hub, and the resilience of its people. Their stories added a layer of depth to my visit, reminding me that travel is not just about seeing new places, but also about forging connections and understanding different cultures.

A Lasting Impression

     While my time in Bergen was relatively brief, it had a profound impact on me. The combination of natural beauty, rich history, and welcoming culture created a melting pot of experiences that I will cherish for a lifetime. It serves as a reminder that there are places in the world that transcend ordinary beauty, wrapping you in a sense of wonder that lingers long after you leave.

     In the end, Bergen isn’t just a favorite destination for me; it’s a cherished memory that I hold close to my heart. If you ever find yourself journeying through Norway, I encourage you to explore Bergen. Let its charm envelop you, just as it did for me, and discover the magic that lingers above the Arctic Circle. Whether you’re drawn to its stunning landscapes or its warm-hearted people, I promise, Bergen will not disappoint you.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Me and my art

Through the eyes of an artist
(A small bit about me)

       I have had a love for photography most of my life, but I never really did anything with it. I have traveled all over the world and God has blessed me by showing some of the most beautiful places on earth.  I never showed my pictures to anyone for several years, for fear that people would not like them, it was not until a few years ago at an artist retreat that I was encouraged by Cindy West (head of the worship arts department at Woodmen Valley Chapel) to share a couple of my best pictures. Well, the pictures were received very well by other artists at the retreat which was just what I needed to get me back to showing my photographs once more. This was God’s way of saying to me “Don't hide the gifts I've given you, I want you to show everyone the beauty of my creation”

      So with that in mind, I’ve created this section of the blog to share the beautiful things God has shown me. This section is ever-changing, so please come back often as it is my desire to always have something new for you to see "“Through the eyes of an artist".

Eric R Salter

Through the eyes of an artist


Through the eyes of an artist: One can see both real and created worlds.
Through the eyes of an artist: One can see a world of wonder.
Through the eyes of an artist: One can create and see amazing things.
Through the eyes of an artist: One can see both Beauty and tragedy.
Through the eyes of an artist: One can be inspired.
Through the eyes of an artist: One can inspire awe in others.
Through the eyes of an artist: One can bring joy and tears to others.
Through the eyes of an artist: One can see the beauty of God’s creation.
Through the eyes of an artist: One can almost touch the face of God.

     It is my hope that you will enjoy, be inspired and even moved in some way by what God has given me to share with all of you.

Eric R Salter

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Streaming Wars


Conquer the Chaos of Entertainment Choices!

     Hey everyone! Let's face it, navigating the world of entertainment today is a bit like entering a jungle, except instead of vines, we're tangled with subscriptions and streaming services. Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+, Plex, Tubi, Pluto... the list goes on! And that's not even mentioning the good ol' cable networks like DirecTV, Showtime, and Cinemax.

The Streaming Jungle: Where Do You Even Start?

     With so many options, it's easy to get lost in the jungle of entertainment. How do you choose the best service? How do you even begin to decide what to watch? It's a constant internal debate:

The Budget Beast: Is it worth subscribing to multiple services? Can you afford it all?

The Content Craze: Which service offers the shows and movies you actually want to watch?

The Feature Frenzy: Do you need 4K resolution, or are you happy with standard definition? Is offline viewing a necessity?

Taming the Beast: Finding Your Streaming Savanna

     So, how do you conquer this streaming jungle? Here's a quick guide to help you tame the beast:

Identify Your Priorities: What's most important to you? Budget, content, features, or a combination of all three?

Research and Rank: Check out what each service offers. Look at pricing, content libraries, and features. Create a shortlist of your top contenders.

Test Drive (Free Trials!): Most services offer free trials. This is your chance to experience them firsthand and see if they fit your needs.

Don't Be Afraid to Ditch: If a service isn't meeting your expectations, unsubscribe and find a better fit.

And Then, The Big Question: What Do I Watch?

     Even after you've chosen your streaming haven, the ultimate challenge remains: what to watch?! The good news is, there's a whole world of entertainment waiting to be explored. Here are a few tips:

Explore New Genres: Step outside your comfort zone! Try a documentary, a foreign film, or a podcast. You might discover your new favorite thing.

Check Out Recommendations: Most services have recommendation algorithms based on your viewing history. Give them a chance, you might be surprised by what you find.

Join a Watch Party: Invite friends to join you virtually for a movie marathon or discussion. It's a great way to experience the joy of shared entertainment.

     So, embrace the jungle, conquer the chaos, and find your perfect streaming solution. The adventure awaits!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Colorado Fishing Paradise

The Arkansas River

     Hey everyone! I was digging through some old photos the other day and came across a treasure trove from a fishing trip with my brother Dave. These pictures instantly transported me back to the heart of Colorado, and I couldn't resist sharing the memories with you all.

     Now, I know many of you know I've moved to Texas, and while I love the Lone Star state, it just doesn't compare to Colorado when it comes to fishing (or hunting, for that matter). Colorado is home to some of the most incredible fishing in the world, with its breathtaking mountain scenery, crystal-clear streams, and stunning forests. It's truly a paradise for anglers.

     The pictures I'm sharing today were taken on the Arkansas River, just west of the Royal Gorge area, winding through Sheepshead Canyon. This river is a haven for rainbow trout,

with a few browns making an appearance as well. The best fishing happens in the early morning or late evening. The sun can warm up the canyon during the day, driving the trout towards the bottom and slowing the action down.

     The Arkansas River is a fly and lure-only stream, meaning no live bait allowed. Also, keep in mind that some sections are designated as "Gold Medal" streams, with a strict catch-and-release policy. But don't worry, there are plenty of spots where you can catch your own breakfast, lunch, or even dinner!

     Camping options abound along the river, with both paid and free sites available. Just be prepared for chilly nights, especially during the colder months. And always be aware of the potential for snow in winter and flash flooding in the summer.

     While the river isn't always crowded, some of the best fishing spots require a little bit of climbing to reach. The effort is definitely worth it, though! The only time I’ve seen it get really crowded is during the summer months when float fishermen and whitewater rafters come
through. They're usually gone in about 10 minutes, leaving the fishing to continue.

     This trip was a truly relaxing experience. I could spend hours by the river, casting my line and simply enjoying the tranquility of the surroundings. The area is also home to plenty of wildlife, including deer, bighorn sheep, and even bears and mountain lions (although I haven't seen those personally). I really miss this river and long to return someday.

     If you're a fisherman looking for a truly unforgettable trout fishing experience, the Arkansas River needs to be on your bucket list. You won't regret it!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Goofy Things People Do While Driving


A Lighthearted Look at Road Behavior

     Driving is an activity that demands our attention and focus, yet it often brings out some of the most humorous and unexpected behaviors in people. Whether it’s a side effect of multitasking or simply a quirk of human nature, we’ve all witnessed or participated in some goofy antics behind the wheel. Here’s a lighthearted look at some of the whimsical things people do while driving.

1. The Solo Dance Party

     One of the most common scene-stealers on the road is the solo dancer. You’ve probably seen it: someone grooving to their favorite tunes, jamming out with hairbrushes and steering wheels as microphones. Don't be surprised if you catch a driver busting a move at a stoplight, complete with facial expressions and the occasional head bob. After all, who says the car can’t turn into a stage for one?

2. The Snack Attack

     If you ever found yourself hungry during a drive, you're not alone. The infamous “snack and drive” operation often leads to humorous scenarios – from juggling multiple bags of chips while fighting to keep the car on the road to trying to sip a soda without spilling it all over yourself. Some would argue that food should remain outside of the driver’s seat, but the craving often wins. Just remember, crumbs in the seat can often lead to some wild wildlife spotting!

3. The Unintentional (and Intentional) Lip Sync Battle

     Similar to the on-the-road dance party, some drivers take their passion for music to the next level by lip-syncing passionately to their favorite songs. You’d think they were auditioning for a talent show, as they embody the essence of the song with epic hand gestures and exaggerated facial expressions – all while keeping their eyes on the road, right? Well, at least most of the time.

4. The Fashion Show

     Many people use their commute as a perfect opportunity to do a mini fashion show – although it might not be the kind you'd find on a runway. From changing outfits on the go to applying makeup at red lights, drivers often turn their cars into mobile salons. Just imagine seeing someone expertly maneuvering between a lipstick application and a last-minute hair fix. Talk about multitasking!

5. The Epic (and Sometimes Comedic) Steering Wheel Therapy

     Road rage can rear its head, but for some, stress relief comes in the form of exaggerated steering wheel therapy. You might witness a driver dramatically honking their horn in a “dramatic pause” or having an animated conversation with fellow drivers as if they were in a heated debate! Windows might be up, but that doesn't stop the animated gestures, including eye rolls, hand waves, and expressive facial expressions.

6. The Group Chat (with Gestures)

     Sometimes, a car full of friends can lead to a noisy car ride filled with laughter and animated discussions, where gestures take over. Whether it’s passionate arguments or witty banter, you might see drivers and passengers exchanging wild hand movements as if they were in a live action movie. If you’re lucky, you might even catch a spontaneous group chant from the backseat. Just hope that the driver isn’t too distracted by the entertainment behind them.

7. The Wildlife Spotters

     While driving, many individuals find themselves on a spontaneous safari, craning their necks to spot any signs of wildlife. Whether it's a squirrel, deer, or even a raccoon, these sudden outbursts can lead to frantic steering wheel adjustments. Let’s be real: who hasn’t ended up slowing down to spy on a random animal crossing the road while exclaiming “Did you see that?!”

8. The Confused Driver’s Puzzle

     Last but not least, there's the goofy endeavor of navigating challenging intersections or complex parking lots. Who hasn’t seen someone attempting a complicated three-point turn that turns into a full-fledged puzzle? Watching the various iterations of reversals, more turning, and even the occasional backward glance can be entertaining – provided safety is the priority!


     Driving can often become a mundane task, but it doesn’t have to be. The goofy things people do behind the wheel provide a delightful reprieve from our daily routines. While it’s essential to stay safe and focused, it’s equally important to embrace the humor in life, even on the road. So the next time you find yourself and others engaging in some ridiculous antics behind the wheel, just remember: it’s all part of the ride!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The what is it game



What do you think this is?

     Welcome to a new game I will be starting. Every once in a while, I will post a picture of something, and you get to figure out what it is. Now if you can't think about what it is, then use your imagination and make something up. Be creative, be funny if you want to. Just leave a comment down below. 

     Well, that's all there is to the game, so let's hear it, what's your answer?

Letting Off Steam


My Thoughts on the NFL's New Rules

     As a lifelong fan of the NFL, I’ve always understood that rules and regulations are necessary to keep the game fair and exciting. However, recent changes to the rulebook have left me feeling perplexed and downright frustrated. Today, I'm going to let off some steam about two new rules that made me say, "WHY NFL, WHY?!"

The Dreaded Kickoff Rule

     First, let’s talk about the kickoff situation. You may have noticed that there’s a new rule stating that no player on the receiving team can move until the ball has been caught by the player returning the kickoff. Initially, when I saw this implemented during a recent 49ers game, I was stunned— and not in a good way.

     In my opinion, this rule obliterates the excitement and chaos that kickoffs have traditionally provided. The thrill of a well-timed return, the anticipation of blockers springing into action, and the overall unpredictability of the play have been severely diminished. Under this new rule, by the time the receiver catches the kick and starts running, they are often already halfway down the field. This frankly feels like an unfair advantage for the receiving team and drains kickoffs of their inherent excitement. I mean, who doesn’t love watching a nail-biting return in the closing moments of a game?

The Touchback Debate

     The second rule has to do with touchbacks, which are now placed at the 30-yard line instead of the traditional 20-yard line. I’m speechless. My initial reaction? Stupid, moronic, brain dead—take your pick. What conceivable benefit could have come from moving the touchback yardage? I can’t think of a single logical reason to change a rule that was, until now, perfectly functional.

     Some people argue that this change promotes parity among teams or helps prevent injuries. While player safety should always be a priority, let’s be real: every player who steps onto that field knows the risks that come with the sport. It’s a tough game played by tough individuals. Players know the stakes when they sign those contracts, and they accept the risk. Changing the touchback rule in the name of “fairness” borders on absurd. If a team struggles to win games, they need to reevaluate their strategies, practice harder, and develop their players—not rely on rule changes that give them a handout.

     Don’t even get me started on the participation trophy mindset. If we keep coddling teams and players in the name of equality, what’s next? It wouldn’t surprise me to see the NFL nominate all teams for a participation award just for showing up!

The Call for Consistency

     Alright, now that I’ve let off some steam, I’ll wrap this up. My overall plea is simple: Hey NFL, leave the rules alone! The game has been running just fine as it is. There are countless fans who have loved and cherished the nuances of the game, and in doing so, they’ve come to understand the established rules that have shaped its history. If something isn't broken, don't fix it. Let’s preserve the unpredictability and excitement that makes football the beloved and thrilling sport many of us grew up with.

     At the end of the day, these are just my thoughts as a passionate fan. Here’s hoping the NFL listens—or at the very least, reconsiders these ill-advised changes so we can enjoy the game as it was meant to be played. Until then, football is still football, and I’ll be cheering on the 49ers through it all. Go Niners!