Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Letting Off Steam


My Thoughts on the NFL's New Rules

     As a lifelong fan of the NFL, I’ve always understood that rules and regulations are necessary to keep the game fair and exciting. However, recent changes to the rulebook have left me feeling perplexed and downright frustrated. Today, I'm going to let off some steam about two new rules that made me say, "WHY NFL, WHY?!"

The Dreaded Kickoff Rule

     First, let’s talk about the kickoff situation. You may have noticed that there’s a new rule stating that no player on the receiving team can move until the ball has been caught by the player returning the kickoff. Initially, when I saw this implemented during a recent 49ers game, I was stunned— and not in a good way.

     In my opinion, this rule obliterates the excitement and chaos that kickoffs have traditionally provided. The thrill of a well-timed return, the anticipation of blockers springing into action, and the overall unpredictability of the play have been severely diminished. Under this new rule, by the time the receiver catches the kick and starts running, they are often already halfway down the field. This frankly feels like an unfair advantage for the receiving team and drains kickoffs of their inherent excitement. I mean, who doesn’t love watching a nail-biting return in the closing moments of a game?

The Touchback Debate

     The second rule has to do with touchbacks, which are now placed at the 30-yard line instead of the traditional 20-yard line. I’m speechless. My initial reaction? Stupid, moronic, brain dead—take your pick. What conceivable benefit could have come from moving the touchback yardage? I can’t think of a single logical reason to change a rule that was, until now, perfectly functional.

     Some people argue that this change promotes parity among teams or helps prevent injuries. While player safety should always be a priority, let’s be real: every player who steps onto that field knows the risks that come with the sport. It’s a tough game played by tough individuals. Players know the stakes when they sign those contracts, and they accept the risk. Changing the touchback rule in the name of “fairness” borders on absurd. If a team struggles to win games, they need to reevaluate their strategies, practice harder, and develop their players—not rely on rule changes that give them a handout.

     Don’t even get me started on the participation trophy mindset. If we keep coddling teams and players in the name of equality, what’s next? It wouldn’t surprise me to see the NFL nominate all teams for a participation award just for showing up!

The Call for Consistency

     Alright, now that I’ve let off some steam, I’ll wrap this up. My overall plea is simple: Hey NFL, leave the rules alone! The game has been running just fine as it is. There are countless fans who have loved and cherished the nuances of the game, and in doing so, they’ve come to understand the established rules that have shaped its history. If something isn't broken, don't fix it. Let’s preserve the unpredictability and excitement that makes football the beloved and thrilling sport many of us grew up with.

     At the end of the day, these are just my thoughts as a passionate fan. Here’s hoping the NFL listens—or at the very least, reconsiders these ill-advised changes so we can enjoy the game as it was meant to be played. Until then, football is still football, and I’ll be cheering on the 49ers through it all. Go Niners!


  1. I’m not sure what the NFL was thinking, and the new rules don’t make sense to this fan. Your thoughts are well said. Also what about the penalty that was called over 27 times in the first week about the lineman in the backfield. They didn’t have to be but a silly millimeter to far back. But I do like that some one is reviewing the penalties. It is about time.

  2. Once again, they are trying to fix what is NOT broken. Players are hesitating to play. Good grief, these Spots figures play football, paid unjustified millions, the risk is on them. Let the game be played, you want that money, take the risk. Period. Besides, these days it seems they keep changing things, discouraging fans to not even watch anymore. So, the new rules in the past ten years, suck.

  3. NFL is beginning to take the lefty road. They are all starting to look like a bunch of fairies. Much more of this and I won't be watching this crap any more.


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