Monday, March 11, 2024

Award shows or just another stage for political crap?

Award shows, what a waste of time

      Award shows are a staple in the entertainment industry, a night where the biggest names in music, television, and film come together to celebrate their achievements. However, over the years, award shows like the GMA, AMA, and Emmys have undergone a transformation that has left many viewers, including myself, feeling disappointed and disenchanted. Gone are the days of pure entertainment and celebration, as these award shows have now become nothing more than a celebrity political platform. Which is why I don't watch them anymore.

     I remember eagerly anticipating award shows, counting down the days until I could see my favorite artists and actors take the stage and accept their well-deserved recognition. But now, it seems like every award show is just another opportunity for celebrities to voice their political opinions and agendas. Instead of focusing on their achievements and thanking their fans, they use their time on stage to push their beliefs onto the audience.

     The GMA, AMA, and Emmys, which were once known for their glitz and glamour, have now become a platform for celebrities to express their political views. While everyone is entitled to their own opinions, award shows should not be the place for it. These shows are meant to celebrate the best in entertainment, not to showcase political debates. It takes away from the true purpose of the event, which is to honor and recognize the hard work and talent of those in the industry.

     Furthermore, award shows have become predictable and lackluster. Instead of focusing on the actual awards and performances, they are filled with political speeches and jokes that often fall flat. It seems like every year; the same topics are brought up and the same people win. It takes away the excitement and anticipation of the event.

     Moreover, award shows have become overly commercialized. It's no secret that these shows are heavily sponsored, and it's evident in the way they are presented. There are more commercials than actual content, and it seems like every other minute there is a product placement or a promotional segment. It's no longer about celebrating the achievements of the entertainment industry, but rather about making a profit.

     In conclusion, award shows like the GMA, AMA, and Emmys have lost their charm and purpose. They have become a platform for celebrities to push their political views and agendas, rather than celebrating the achievements and talents of those in the entertainment industry. As a result, I no longer find joy in watching these award shows and would prefer to spend my time on other forms of entertainment.

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